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Emergency Preparedness |
Are you ready? Emergency Operation Plan Development: IMC focuses on the development and evaluation of jurisdictional Emergency Operation Plans, of which, can be of any hazard type (Terrorism, Pandemic Flu, Natural Disaster, Continuity of Operation etc.) and at any level of government (Federal, State and Local) or any combination thereof. We offer specialized professionals, with the support of nationally renowned industry partners, to develop planning guidance across the entire emergency management spectrum of preparedness, prevention, response and recovery. You must be tested to be prepared! Exercise and Evaluation: IMC designs evaluation programs of Emergency Operation Plans with a strict adherence to the capability based Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) developed by the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Domestic Preparedness and instituted by the Homeland Security Presidential Directive-8, the National Response Framework and the National Preparedness Goal. Leveraging this nationally recognized standard, IMC facilitates and evaluates simulated emergencies in either a Discussion based (Table-top, Seminar or Workshop) or Operational based forum (Drills, Functional Exercises or Full Scale Exercises). Participating responders (Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, Emergency Managers, Public Health Agencies, EMS, etc.), are asked to engage the threat scenario as they would in a ‘real world’ emergency. Expert facilitation of exercises ensures that the event maintains course to achieve the defined goals and objectives established by stakeholder consensus. IMC subsequently evaluates the performance of the responders against the guidance of the plans, policy, training and best practices; most notably the Incident Command System/National Incident Management System (ICS/NIMS). IMC produces actionable results; the After-Action Report/Improvement Planning Process: The After-Action Report identifies and analyzes Strengths and Areas For Improvement based on exercise conduct, which is then recorded in an Improvement Plan that assigns approved recommendations and responsibility of implementation for revising the operational guidance, departmental policy and/or training. IMC brings insight and value-added offerings: In most cases for our governmental clients, response agencies that perform HSEEP programs are required each fiscal year to qualify for the ensuing fiscal year’s grant funding. IMC has developed subject matter expertise in the development of investment justification and administration of grant programs to include the Urban Area Security Initiative, Port Security Grant Program, Transportation Security Grant Program, Metropolitan Medical Response System and others. To date, IMC has enjoyed a better than 90% success rate on award of grant investment justification submitted on behalf of its clients. |